Posts in Caribbean
Day 10: Hiking Mount Scenery And Exploring Saba Island - Our Favorite Caribbean Island!

Hiking Mount Scenery On Saba Island

After clearing customs, settling my belly from our 45 minute mooring field Goldilocks crashcourse, Garvis, our new friend gave us a small tour of The Bottoms and Windwardside. He told us of how his grandfather was one of the men who helped build the Road That Couldn’t Be Built. I loved people-watching on this island. Many of the locals have Dutch genetics - tall, thin, light blonde fine hair. We took in the sites as we drove through the beautiful town of The Bottoms, and made our way up to the trailhead of Mount Scenery (3084 feet high.)

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Day 10: Queens Garden On Saba - The Best Dining Experience In The Caribbean

Queens Garden describes themselves as, “The most relaxing hideaway of the Caribbean” A small luxury resort tucked away on the beautiful island of Saba.”

And honestly? I couldn’t describe it any better. You walk into this romantically lit outdoor dining courtyard. There’s an array of orchids lining the rockscape. There's a gorgeous trellis covered in vines and dancing with lights, a treehouse table they call “the bird’s nest”…

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Day 10: Meeting Saba, The Unspoiled Queen -- Sailing From Eustatius To Saba

Day 10: Meeting The Unspoiled Queen - Saba Island. (There’s Definitely A Princess Up There.)

4:45 AM We released our mooring ball and started our sail to Saba. I had a ton of fun taking moonlit pictures of the oil tankers anchored in the outskirts of Statia’s port. After a smaller sail ( I think it was around 3-ish hours) we made it over to Saba.

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Day 8: Montserrat: The Emerald Isle Of The Caribbean. Sailing From Guadeloupe To Nevis

Sailing by Montserrat is an experience within itself. You can see the city of Plymouth, a faint line on the island, half devoured by Ash, slowly returning back to the earth. You can see boulders the size of houses (READ: THE SIZE OF FRIGGIN HOUSES) that flew several kilometers from the caldera in the most recent volcanic eruption. In a nutshell -- Montserrat is friggin' cool.

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Day 7: Naked Snorkelers, Baby Squid, And How To Sail A Sailboat (Step By Step!): Exploring Sugarloaf, Iles Des Saintes And Sailing To Pigeon Harbor, Guadeloupe!

I was the captain today! We started the day off getting ready to snorkel Pan de Sucre (translated: Sugarloaf), this strange rock that looks exactly like a sugar loaf. But before we could do that we needed to act like complete idiots, me switching between a French accent and a terrible Russian accent giving Snorkel mask tips.

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Day 6: The Quaint French Village In The Middle Of The Caribbean--Sailing To Iles des Saintes, Terre de Haute

We didn’t want to leave Dominica, but we woke up early and sailed by Pan de Sucre (Sugarloaf) into Terre de Haute. Iles des Saintes feels like a quaint French village, right in the middle of the Caribbean. We checked into customs in a cyber café (which was much easier than our other experience checking into customs on Dominica. Bourg des Saintes is an adorable town, sparkling clean and picturesque, with red roofs, beautiful flowers growing, and no one is in a hurry.

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Day 5: Dominica Recap- What It Cost Us To Travel, Tour and Explore Dominica For The Day

Wrapping Up Our Day Exploring Dominica: Here’s what it cost us to spend a day touring Dominica, visiting 3 amazing tours, lunch, transportation and mooring our boat for the night. Our last evening with Dominica consisted of playing Farkled and a special guest performance from Fuzzbow, Laura's inseparable childhood stuffed animal, caught on camera.

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Day 5: Sharing Grapes With A Grown Ass Man: Reconnecting With My Own Humanity Hiking The Syndicate Waterfalls, Dominica

In yoga we do all this talk about “creating a connection with other human beings” and “being the light,” and yet, it’s like, “Oh, share my water bottle with a total stranger who lives on a rural island? Ew no.” I shared grapes with a total stranger. And it rocked my humanity.

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Day 5: Jurassic Park Meets Pinterest--Hiking The Syndicate Trail On Dominica

The Syndicate Trail is a gorgeous, vibrant trail to hike on Dominica. Here’s our experience of the island, and there’s an embarassing story thrown in here, too. If you’re a free spirit or nature lover of any sort, you will thoroughly enjoy Syndicate Trail, and Dominica in general. It’s lush and vibrant flora and fauna is king of all the Caribbean islands.

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Day 4: Night Watch + How To Sleep During An Overnight Passage From Martinique To Dominica.

Overnight passages don’t come naturally for the majority of humans. As a crew member on a boat delivery, you have this concoction of feelings when it’s your turn to sleep, and you're not on watch. This is supposed to be your “downtime,” but there’s always that bottom line “being on call” feeling where you can’t really relax and let go. Here’s a few tips from my experience trying to sleep underway.

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