Posts in Relationships
Day 5: Sharing Grapes With A Grown Ass Man: Reconnecting With My Own Humanity Hiking The Syndicate Waterfalls, Dominica

In yoga we do all this talk about “creating a connection with other human beings” and “being the light,” and yet, it’s like, “Oh, share my water bottle with a total stranger who lives on a rural island? Ew no.” I shared grapes with a total stranger. And it rocked my humanity.

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Can we talk about grief for a second? 9 Ways to Become Besties with Your Grief

Grief is your friend. Grief is this powerful experience that creates an opportunity for you to release and heal. It's a powerful reminder of how special it is that you loved. It comes up after a break up or a loss because whatever you're losing MEANT something. It mattered. Grief is a reminder that you loved big and you loved deep and you loved well, otherwise if you didn't, you wouldn't feel what you're feeling right now. So here’s 9 ways to embrace grief in your life.

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How To Get Paid To Travel In The Caribbean And Live On Yachts: Coffee Shop To Caribbean

One day video editing in a coffee shop I got a text message from one of my oldest friends, Laura, here on out referred to as Laurford (because that's her proper name...It's a long story) saying, "Hey, do you want to help us with a boat delivery from Martinique to St. Thomas?" Approximately 2.5 seconds later she received the response back, "YES." And two weeks later I found myself packing a bag for a two-week boat delivery up island on year old Saba 50 Catamaran. Here’s how that happened.

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