Posts tagged Dominica
Day 5: Dominica Recap- What It Cost Us To Travel, Tour and Explore Dominica For The Day

Wrapping Up Our Day Exploring Dominica: Here’s what it cost us to spend a day touring Dominica, visiting 3 amazing tours, lunch, transportation and mooring our boat for the night. Our last evening with Dominica consisted of playing Farkled and a special guest performance from Fuzzbow, Laura's inseparable childhood stuffed animal, caught on camera.

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Day 5: Sharing Grapes With A Grown Ass Man: Reconnecting With My Own Humanity Hiking The Syndicate Waterfalls, Dominica

In yoga we do all this talk about “creating a connection with other human beings” and “being the light,” and yet, it’s like, “Oh, share my water bottle with a total stranger who lives on a rural island? Ew no.” I shared grapes with a total stranger. And it rocked my humanity.

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Day 5: Jurassic Park Meets Pinterest--Hiking The Syndicate Trail On Dominica

The Syndicate Trail is a gorgeous, vibrant trail to hike on Dominica. Here’s our experience of the island, and there’s an embarassing story thrown in here, too. If you’re a free spirit or nature lover of any sort, you will thoroughly enjoy Syndicate Trail, and Dominica in general. It’s lush and vibrant flora and fauna is king of all the Caribbean islands.

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Day 4: Night Watch + How To Sleep During An Overnight Passage From Martinique To Dominica.

Overnight passages don’t come naturally for the majority of humans. As a crew member on a boat delivery, you have this concoction of feelings when it’s your turn to sleep, and you're not on watch. This is supposed to be your “downtime,” but there’s always that bottom line “being on call” feeling where you can’t really relax and let go. Here’s a few tips from my experience trying to sleep underway.

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